Prompt Engineering in 2024

Before understanding the actual Prompt Engineering Definition, Let’s imagine you’re preparing spaghetti marinara for dinner. Sauce from a jar is fine. But what if you buy your tomatoes and basil at the farmers’ market and …

Before understanding the actual Prompt Engineering Definition, Let’s imagine you’re preparing spaghetti marinara for dinner. Sauce from a jar is fine. But what if you buy your tomatoes and basil at the farmers’ market and prepare your own sauce? Most likely, it will taste much better. What if you grew your own vegetables in your garden and made your own fresh pasta? A completely new level of taste.

Just as better ingredients can improve a cuisine, so can better inputs into a generative AI model.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is the practice of guiding generative artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to produce the desired results. Even though generative AI aims to emulate humans, it requires precise instructions to produce high-quality and relevant results. In prompt engineering, you select the most relevant formats, phrases, words, and symbols to let the AI connect with your users more meaningfully. Prompt engineers utilize creativity and trial and error to develop a collection of input texts, ensuring that an application’s generative AI performs as intended.

What is a Prompt?

A cue is a natural language document that directs the generative AI to complete a certain task. Generative AI is an artificial intelligence technology that generates fresh material, such as stories, discussions, movies, photos, and music. It is powered by very large machine learning (ML) models that employ deep neural networks that have been pretrained on massive amounts of data.

Prompts used for various AI tasks

This table demonstrates how prompts are utilized for various activities and explains essential concepts relevant to the advanced portions:

TaskExample PromptPossible Output
Text SummarizationExplain antibioticsAntibiotics are medications used to treat bacterial infections…
Information ExtractionMention the enormous language model-based product indicated in the preceding paragraph.The large language model based product mentioned in the paragraph is ChatGPT.
Question AnsweringAnswer the question based on the context below.It was approved to help prevent organ rejection after kidney transplants.
Text ClassificationClassify the text into neutral, negative, or positive.Neutral
ConversationThe following is a conversation with an AI research assistant.Black holes are regions of spacetime where gravity is extremely strong…
Code GenerationAsk the user for their name and say “Hello.”let name = prompt(“What is your name?”); console.log(Hello, ${name}!);
ReasoningThe odd numbers in this group add up to an even number: 15, 32, 5, 13, 82, 7, 1.No, the odd numbers in this group add up to an odd number: 119.

Why is it Important?

Since the debut of generative AI, there has been a considerable surge in prompt engineering positions. Prompt engineers bridge the gap between your end users and the extensive language model. They identify scripts and templates that your users can alter and fill out to achieve the greatest results from the language models. These engineers experimented with several forms of inputs to create a prompt library that application developers can utilize in a variety of settings.

Consider AI chatbots. A user may submit an incomplete problem statement, such as “Where to purchase a shirt.” Internally, the application’s code includes a designed prompt that reads, “You are a sales assistant for a clothes firm. A user from Alabama, United States, is asking you where to buy a shirt. Please respond with the three nearest store locations that currently offer a shirt. The chatbot then provides more relevant and accurate information.

Here are few more importances listed:

Increased developer control:

Prompt engineering allows developers greater control over how users interact with the AI. Effective prompts give intent and context for huge language models. They assist the AI in refining the output and presenting it concisely in the appropriate format.

Improved user experience:

Users can eliminate trial and error while still receiving logical, accurate, and relevant results from AI tools. Prompt engineering enables users to acquire relevant results in the first prompt. It helps to mitigate bias that may be present in the training data of big language models due to existing human bias.

Furthermore, it improves user-AI interaction, allowing the AI to comprehend the user’s goal with minimal input. 

Increased flexibility:

Higher levels of abstraction enhance AI models and enable enterprises to develop more adaptable tools at scale. A prompt engineer can design prompts with domain-neutral instructions that emphasize logical relationships and broad patterns. Organizations may quickly utilize the prompts throughout the company to increase their AI investments.

Prompt engineering examples

Here are some examples of prompt engineering to help you understand what it is and how to create a prompt using a text and image model.

For text models similar to ChatGPT:

  • What’s the distinction between a professional and executive summary?
  • Create a professional summary for a marketing analyst looking for a marketing manager position.
  • Now reduce it to less than 60 words.
  • Rewrite it with a more informal tone.

Prompt engineering is an iterative process. Because there are no guidelines for how the AI outputs information, you should experiment with different ideas to observe what results the AI creates.

You won’t be able to accomplish this in a few attempts. You’ll need to regularly test AI prompts to see the results and iterate on your findings. Check for accuracy, relevance, and other factors that meet your requirements. More optimization will help you minimize your prompt size (lowering input costs) and produce better results.

Consider the example of a new sneaker:

Source: Link

Because the AI lacks knowledge about the sneaker, it fabricates information. Let’s improve the prompt with more information.

Source: Link

The second response is better and covers the features requested.

For image models like DALL-E 3

  • A painting of a cat.
  • An Impressionist painting depicting a cat chasing a mouse.
  • The artwork should now solely contain warm tones.

Use Cases of Prompt Engineering

Subject-matter expertise:

Prompt engineering is critical in applications that demand AI to provide subject matter expertise. A prompt engineer with relevant experience can guide the AI to the appropriate sources and formulate the answer based on the question.

For example, in the medical field, a practitioner could provide differential diagnoses for a complex case using a prompt-engineered language model. The medical expert merely needs to enter the symptoms and patient information. The program employs tailored prompts to direct the AI to identify possible diseases related with the entered symptoms. It then narrows the selection depending on additional patient information.

Critical thinking:

Critical thinking apps rely on the language model to address complicated challenges. To do so, the model examines data from many perspectives, assesses its reliability, and makes informed conclusions. Prompt engineering improves a model’s data analysis capability.

For example, in decision-making settings, you may ask a model to list all feasible possibilities, analyze them, and recommend the best solution.


Creativity entails developing new ideas, concepts, or solutions. Prompt engineering can be used to improve a model’s creative ability in a variety of situations.

For example, when composing scenarios, a writer could use a prompt-engineered model to help develop tale ideas. The writer may ask the model to brainstorm probable characters, places, and plot ideas before developing a story around those features. Alternatively, a graphic designer could ask the model to provide a list of color palettes that elicit a specific emotion and then create a design utilizing that palette. 

How to engineer generative AI prompts

1. Make your inquiry as clear as possible.

Because generative AI is a deep learning model built on data generated by humans and computers, it lacks the ability to sift through what you’re speaking to determine what you’re truly saying.

Whatever you say is what you receive.

2. Experiment to determine optimum practices.

For each form of output, such as a brief synopsis, research proposal, or resume bullet points, you should experiment with the generative AI by sending different variations of the same request. This way, you’ll know whether you need to incorporate guidelines such “in a formal tone of voice.” If you need to mention “tone” in your prompt, should you write “in a professional tone” or “in a formal tone?

3. Follow-up on instructions or inquiries.

After you’ve structured your output into the appropriate format and tone, you may want to limit the quantity of words or characters. Alternatively, you may construct two versions of the outline, one for internal use and one for public use.

The generator can achieve this using the output it provided earlier. Iteration is your buddy. Continue to “engineer” the prompt until you get the desired outcomes.

Example of tailoring  Prompt Engineering ChatGPT:

Prompt Engineering Techniques

Chain-of-thought Prompting:

Chain-of-thought Prompting is a strategy for breaking down a difficult question into smaller, logical sections that resemble a train of thought. This allows the model to solve problems through a number of intermediary steps rather than immediately answering the question. This improves its reasoning capabilities.

For example, if the question is “What is the capital of France?” the model may conduct numerous rollouts, yielding responses such as “Paris,” “The capital of France is Paris,” and “Paris is the capital of France.” Because all rollouts lead to the same conclusion, “Paris” will be chosen as the final response.

Consider the following prompt, which asks a language model to solve a multi-step math word problem:

“John has 10 apples. He gives 3 apples to his friend Sam and then buys 6 more apples from the market. How many apples does John have now?”

Using chain-of-thought prompting, we would divide the problem into smaller intermediary steps:

Initial Prompt: “John has 10 apples.” Intermediate Prompt: “How many apples does John have if he gives 3 to Sam?” Intermediate Answer: “John has 7 apples.”

Initial Prompt: “John has 7 apples.” 

Intermediate Prompt: “How many apples will John have if he buys 6 more apples from the market?” 

Intermediate Answer: “John has 13 apples.”

Finally, we have the solution to the original complicated problem. “John has 13 apples now.”

The chain-of-thought prompting method divides the problem into digestible chunks, allowing the model to reason through each step and then progress to the final answer. This strategy improves the model’s problem-solving ability and overall knowledge of complex tasks.

Tree-of-thought prompting:

The tree-of-thought technique extends chain-of-thought prompting. It leads the model to consider one or more potential next actions. The model is then ran through each conceivable next step using a tree search approach.

For example, consider the question “What are the effects of climate change?” The model may initially create potential future stages, such as “List the environmental effects” and “List the social effects.” It would then elaborate on each of these in the following steps.

Complexity-based prompting:

This prompt-engineering technique entails completing many chain-of-thought rollouts. It chooses the rollouts with the longest chains of reasoning, followed by the most typically reached conclusion.

For example, if the query is a hard arithmetic issue, the model may conduct several rollouts, each requiring multiple calculations. It would prioritize the rollouts with the longest chain of thought, which in this case would be the most calculation steps. The rollouts that achieve the same result as previous rollouts will be chosen as the final solution.

Generated knowledge prompting:

This strategy entails prompting the model to develop relevant facts in order to finish the prompt. Then it proceeds to finish the prompt. As a result of the model’s conditioning on important facts, completion quality is frequently improved.

For example, suppose a user asks the model to create an essay about the effects of deforestation. The model may initially generate facts such as “deforestation contributes to climate change” and “deforestation causes biodiversity loss.” Then it would elaborate on the essay’s points.

Least-to-most prompting:

In this prompt engineering technique, the model is initially prompted to enumerate the subproblems of a problem before solving them in order. This technique ensures that later subproblems can be addressed using the answers to earlier subproblems.

For example, suppose a user challenges the model with a math issue such as “Solve for x in equation 2x + 3 = 11.” The model might first list the subproblems as “subtract 3 from both sides” and “divide by 2”. It would then solve them in order to determine the final solution.

Consider an example in which we utilize least-to-most prompting to solve a mathematical word problem. The difficulty is that John has twice as many apples than Jane. Jane has five apples. “How many apples does John have?”

In the least-to-most prompting strategy, we would divide this problem into smaller subproblems and address them successively.

First Sub problem: Initial Prompt:

“Jane has 5 apples.” Intermediate answer: “So, the number of apples Jane has is 5.”

Second sub problem: First Prompt:

“John has twice as many apples as Jane.”

Intermediate Answer:

“So, John has 2 times the number of apples that Jane has.”

Third Subproblem: Initial prompt:

“Given that Jane has 5 apples and John has twice as many apples as Jane, how many apples does John have?”

Final answer:

“John has 2 * 5 = 10 apples.”

Self-refine prompting:

This technique challenges the model to solve the problem, critique its solution, and then fix the problem while taking into account the problem, solution, and critique. The problem-solving procedure is repeated until there is a predetermined cause to halt. For example, it could run out of tokens or time, or the model could return a stop token.

For example, if a user asks a model, “Write a short essay on literature.” The model may produce an essay, analyze it for a lack of specific instances, and then rework it with specific examples. This process would continue until the essay is considered satisfactory or a stopping requirement is fulfilled.

Future of Prompt Engineering

As the discipline of AI advances, so will the skill of rapid engineering. With continued study and development, we can expect to see:

  • Advanced Prompting tactics: The evolution of increasingly advanced prompting tactics, like chain-of-thought prompting, to urge LLMs to expose their thinking process.
  • Focus on Fairness and Transparency: As AI ethics grow more critical, engineers must address bias issues and ensure transparency in LLM results.
  • Universal Prompting Languages: There is potential for the development of universal prompting languages that can be utilized on multiple LLM systems.

Prompt engineering is a great technique for realizing the full potential of LLMs. By learning its fundamentals and constantly refining your technique, you can become a master of this digital language, allowing you to use AI for a variety of creative and productive pursuits.


The field of artificial intelligence is wide, complex, and constantly evolving. As we’ve delved into the complexities of prompt engineering, it’s clear that this discipline is more than just a technological activity; it’s a link between human meaning and machine comprehension. It’s the fine skill of asking the appropriate questions to get the desired results.

Prompt engineering, despite being a relatively young topic, holds the key to realizing the full potential of AI models, particularly large language models. As these models become more prevalent in our daily lives, the significance of excellent communication cannot be stressed. 

Understanding timely engineering is important for data enthusiasts, professionals, and even the general public. It is more than just improving AI communication. It’s about imagining a future in which AI smoothly integrates into our lives, enhancing our abilities and improving our experiences


  1. What is Prompt Engineering openai?

It basically states Prompt Engineering with OpenAI, Practices for Prompt Engineering with Open AI:

  • Use the newest model.
  • Put instructions at the beginning of the prompt and use ### or “”” to distinguish the instruction from the context.
  • Provide as much information as possible about the desired context, outcome, length, format, style, and so forth.
  • Describe the required output format using examples.
  • Begin with zero-shot, then few-shot; if neither works, fine-tune.
  • Limit “fluffy” and inaccurate descriptions.
  • Instead of simply explaining what not to do, state what to do instead.
  • Code Generation Specific – Use “leading words” to steer the model toward a certain pattern.
  1. What are some of the popular Prompt engineering courses?

1. Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT by Vanderbilt University

2. ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers by OpenAI and DeepLearning.AI

3. Master Prompt Engineering by Prompt Engineering Institute

4. Introductory Course on Prompt Engineering by LearnPrompting

5. The Prompt Engineering Guide

  1. Are there ChatGPT Prompt Engineering jobs?

Prompt engineering is a relatively young and rising industry, yet it is already in great demand among many organizations that use or build generative AI technologies. According to, there are presently 3,916 job postings for quick engineers in the US, with an average income range of $95,900 to $180,000 per year.

  1. What is the average Prompt Engineer Salary?
prompt engineering
  1. How to become an ai prompt engineer?
  • Reflect on your prompt engineering career goals. 
  • Earn prompt engineering credentials.
  • Build prompt engineering skills. 
  • Gain prompt engineering experience.
  • Apply for prompt engineering jobs.

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